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Be VITAL in our Revitalization

Your ongoing support ensures Marion's tomorrow is even brighter than today.

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We are fundraising to honor our past, grow our present, and elevate our future!

In the past few years, Marion has seen a bit of a small town renaissance. HMRA's board and supporters have been instrumental in the growth we've been seeing and we have no plans of slowing down! We've granted money to more than 25 buildings and business owners and more on the way. We've brought you events you love and we plan to continue to do so as safely as possible. We have helped to bring in new businesses and we're creating a plan for these successes to continue for years to come. We NEED your help to make that happen. Assist us in ensuring we have the time we need to make these projects go forward. Help to secure the assets it takes to do this job and grow it even bigger! Pledge to be a part of the change you wish to see.